Ravit Pichayavet


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About me

Hi! I'm Ravit Pichayavet, a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Supply Chain Engineering at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) . I earned my Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. My research interests are in planning and optimization in logistics and supply chain systems. I have worked on the middle-mile and last-mile logistics problems under the supervision of Professor Alan Erera (my primary advisor) and Professor Alejandro Toriello. My recent research is on shipment resource allocation problem and demand forecasting in collaboration with our industry partner and Physical Internet Lab. You can also find my studying status on ISyE students page.

My recent CV (last updated on Dec 4 2024).

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Research Projects

An icon showing graph and magnifying glass representing data analysis and prediction.

Demand Prediction and Transportation Resource Allocation Problem

  • Analyze demand patterns and formulate a model to optimize shipment planning by reserving and purchasing shipping services from trucking carriers
A cute moving pot on stove representing cooking action (under development)
Ongoing work...
An icon of truck and logistic network

Improvement Heuristics for Extremely Large-Scale LTL Flow and Load Planning

  • Develop a local search heuristic tool for an extremely large-scale flow and load planning problem (LTL-Service Network Design)
  • Design and implement greedy improvement heuristics that iteratively search for best marginal reflowing improvement across the network
Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2024
An icon of motor bike and its delivery route representing last-mile delivery

Rate-based Vehicle Routing Problem for Delivery in Densely Populated Urban Areas

  • Consider the intermediate echelon of the city logistic network, where packages are transferred between a local hub to micro hubs or parcel lockers
  • Develop a steady state rate-based vehicle routing model for fleet size and route planning
  • Solve set-partitioning routing model using Column Generation algorithm where the pricing is the Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem (RCSPP) solved by dynamic programming (DP)
Presented at INFORMS TSL Second Triennial Conference 2023